For the Week ending 02/07/14
Directions: Choose the word that matches with the definition and appropriately fits into the blank space in the sentence.
cannot be appeased or pacified; inexorable
Some of today's tyrants are gripped by an _______ hatred of the United States. |
difficult or impossible to pacify or conciliate.
Militant Islamic rebels seem _______ in their desire to destroy Western society. |
exceeding a normal or reasonable limit; excessive; without compassion or lenience
For we are not like you, hard hearted, _______, and unforgiving. |
not capable of being persuaded by entreaty; not to be moved or stopped
The evil judge was _______, and in a brutal and despotic tone condemned the prisoner to death. |
harsh; pitiless; persistent; unremitting; promising no abatement of severity
The _______ onslaught is almost too much for Wonder Woman to bear! |