eHappyLife.com began as a labor of love way back in January 2001. After retiring from a very hectic business in December 2000, I wanted to share what I learned about life and my business career with others. I had no agenda other than to unconditionally help others to try and Get Exactly Where They Wanted To Go In Life. I found two wonderful programmers and patient gentlemen named Jerry Sumpton and David Francis of EQUAT Marketing in Vancouver, Canada, who were brilliant database and web designers. Websites were scarce back then and according to David, I was their 38th client. Eighteen years later they have thousands of happy clients and I am proud to have been among their first. Jerry and David have always gone the extra mile for me and my 18 years of loyalty speaks for itself. They encouraged me to update this website from the Model T created in 2001 to it's new look.....and I consider them REAL friends!
In my opinion, finding daily happiness in life is like trying to catch fish in an ocean with your bare hands. Life is just too complicated, too full of disappointments, and much too unpredictable to believe you will ever be feeling happy-go-lucky every minute of every day. You can be laughing and happy one moment and totally stressed out 5 minutes later. How you deal with these ups and downs will be discussed in complete detail, through the the eyes of the author on this website. Since every website needs a mission statement, here we go:
Mission Statement
UNCONDITIONAL SHARING of KNOWLEDGE, EXPERIENCES and RESOURCES with a community of other caring individuals, in an effort to IMPROVE the WELL BEING, SELF ESTEEM and HAPPINESS of ALL who vistit!
Now Getting back to Happiness!
I believe that happiness is not a desire to put off to the future.....always waiting for it to happen later. I believe to experience any degree of happiness at all in life, you MUST first feel good about yourself and feel a sense of self esteem. You must be proud of being an honorable and trustworthy person. You must always come through on your promises. You must learn daily, work smart and pay your bills on time. You must help others unconditionally, without ever expecting anything in return for your kind deeds. You must love and accept yourself for who you are before you can share the love in your heart with anyone else. And Happy Activities should be incorporated into your daily journey through life. If you love to dance, make sure you dance often. If you love to paint, do it often. In my case I love to swim and I would rather miss a meal than miss my daily swim.
Finally, I believe you should act like a sponge and soak up the knowledge available from others' experiences. Other people's trials and errors can fast-track you to design and execute your own plans for a good life. By planning well you will find yourself more in control of your time and your destiny. You will build a sound philosophy and practice solid values to guide your days through both the storms and rainbows of life.
We hope you will visit often to search for knowledge or wisdom here or contribute some of your own. Tell your family members, friends, fellow employees or students about us. This is a place on the Internet where you can learn and get inspired each and every week. That's what eHappyLife.com is all about.