For the Week ending 03/17/06
Directions: Choose the word that matches with the definition and appropriately fits into the blank space in the sentence.
The branch of medicine dealing with the causes, prevention, and treatment of obesity, both pharmacological and surgical.
_______ surgery utilizes stapling a portion of the stomach to reduce the size dramatically. |
An eating disorder involving episodic binge eating followed by feelings of guilt, depression, and self-condemnation. It also often involves measures to prevent weight gain, such as self-induced vomiting, excessive laxatives, fasting or excessive exercise.
Female fashion models and movie stars seem most susceptible to _______ Nervosa, as they struggle to stay slim. |
Pharmaceutical drugs designed as appetite suppressants to reduce calorie intake.
A number of _______ drugs have been developed and marketed to replace amphetamines as appetite suppressants. |
The dimples and bumps in the skin, usually around the thighs and buttocks, caused when the natural structure of the skin is stretched by Fat Cells growing too large.
_______ appears on the bodies of many post-adolescent women and is rarely seen in men. |
Products isolated or purified from foods (Garlic, Soy, etc.) and generally sold in medicinal forms, believed to have beneficial effects on human health or provide protection against chronic disease.
Consumers wishing to promote health rather than consistently treating ailments are turning to _______, created by companies in the food, herbal supplement and pharmaceutical industries. |