For the Week ending 11/05/2004
Directions: Choose the word that matches with the definition and appropriately fits into the blank space in the sentence.
to vote in advance of an election if you are going to be out of town, ill or otherwise not able to vote on election day
Due to a family trip to Europe, everyone had to vote by using _______ ballots. |
a form of grass roots politics that involves going door to door to find out who your supporters are and to try to create new ones
Heavy _______ occurs in the "battleground" states. |
A direct vote on a policy proposal. These are used mostly on the local level, but some states also offer them.
A _______ was held on whether or not a new bond could be issued. |
an unofficial vote
Candidates use _______ as a guide to see how much grassroots support they have prior to an election. |
the make up of the House and Senate by party control
Republicans control the _______ in both the House and Senate due to having majorities in each. |