For the Week ending 12/21/12
Directions: Choose the word that matches with the definition and appropriately fits into the blank space in the sentence.
of or relating to the sense of smell
Some interesting things about our sense of smell: according to Wikipedia, it is our accessory _______ system (as opposed to the main olfactory system) that smells the fluid-phase chemicals. |
concerned with tasting or the sense of taste
Anyone who has savored a really good artisanal cheese or enjoyed a local wine with a personality all its own knows that certain _______ pleasures depend on place more than process. |
of or relating to the sense of hearing
Tinnitus is an affection known as _______ imaging, manifested throw ringing, buzzing, crackling, or hissing sound heard inside one or both ears. |
of or connected with the sense of touch
I checked out something called _______ defensiveness - in which people can't stand anything touching them. |
of or relating to time; relating to worldly as opposed to spiritual affairs
The temporal continuum imputed on the basis of no-longer-happening, presently-happening, and not-yet-happening _______ intervals is also merely a mental label. |