For the Week ending 04/08/11
Directions: Choose the word that matches with the definition and appropriately fits into the blank space in the sentence.
reckless; irresponsible; harebrained; flighty; giddy; rash
Once you get above chapter book level, it seems like almost all new fiction for kids is (or wants to be) thrilling, exciting, _______, suspenseful, non-stop, etc. |
marked by unaffected simplicity; artless, ingenuous
What _______, tragically idealistic and optimistic fool believes it is a pure coincidence that very few Ivy League graduates were raised by single mothers feeding their children with WIC checks? |
something trivial; paltry; small-minded
However, the "_______" promises are the types of promises made by most people. |
contrary to nature, reason, or common sense; absurd; foolish; ridiculous; stupid
She must not put faith in _______ representations so obviously false that to rely on them requires closing her eyes to the truth. |
juvenile; childish; weak, foolish, silly
How _______ is it to condemn someone for not being the way you want her to be? |