Stretching Exercises

Poll number: 

Question-Week ending Sunday 07/14/02:

How often do you take part in a STRETCHING ROUTINE to maintain better health?

Pre-Poll Commentary:

Stretching daily for 15-30 minutes can be so valuable in maintaining proper fitness. It can help you avoid many joint and spine related injuries and illnesses. Don't wait until you get injured and have to go to physical therapy to learn how to stretch properly.

I know it takes discipline to stretch daily. Just like every other activity that's good for you. But that's what eHappyLife is all about. Bringing these issues to your consciousness, so that we can inspire you to do more of what's good for you.

I can tell you from first hand experience that stretching each day makes a huge difference in the way I feel. It helps both mentally and physically.

Take our poll on this issue before Sunday and then watch for the results and summary on Monday morning. Get psyched up about improving your health.


  1. 39% reported Once in a while
  2. 24% reported 15-30 min/ea day
  3. 18% reported Never
  4. 12% reported 15-30 min/2 days
  5. 08% reported 15-30 min/week

Post-Poll Commentary:

82% reported doing some stretching to stay fit, even if it was only once in a while which was our top choice at 39%. The 18% who reported not stretching at all are leaving themselves more vulnerable to injuries. However, like any form of exercise, stretching properly is a skill that must be learned. You can hurt yourself by not warming up properly first or performing without proper knowledge. Pick up a book on stretching exercises and move into ACTION today to plan a stretching routine that will help improve your life daily.