The Qualities Of Leadership 14-Great Role Model

Poll number: 

Question-Week ending Sunday 12/07/03:

Please choose from our list, who you consider to be the most influential role model in your life thus far. Please read our Poll Commentary before taking this poll.

Pre-Poll Commentary:

We all learn from the example of others. Especially those we trust and look up to throughout our lives. Those who happen to be in a position of leadership or authority should be conscious of their behavior at all times. Because all eyes are on them. Whatever they do will be often mimicked by those that trust or follow them. If the boss is always late for appointments, can he or she expect associates to be on time? If parents smoke or drink excessively, how can they expect their children to behave differently?

Leaders who are great role models usually have associates who behave similar to them. They set high standards for behavior and create powerful organizations by practicing what they preach. It's just good business!

There are many people who have a great deal of influence on us as role models. From our list provided, let us know in this week's poll who you consider to be the most influential role model in your life thus far. This poll will end on Sunday 12/07/03, when the results will be displayed.

Our polls and commentaries are enjoyed by hundreds of individuals weekly, with previous polls featured in the top ten of search engines like Google and Yahoo.


  1. 33% of voters chose their Mom or Dad as "the most influential role model in their life thus far."
  2. 20% of voters chose their Grandmother or Grandfather as "the most influential role model in their life thus far."
  3. 19% of voters chose A Celebrity or Role Model they never met in person as "the most influential role model in their life thus far."
  4. 12% of voters chose Another Relative, Guardian, Friend or Mentor as "the most influential role model in their life thus far."
  5. 09% of voters chose A Special Teacher as "the most influential role model in their life thus far."
  6. 07% of voters chose A Leader in their Company as "the most influential role model in their life thus far."

Post-Poll Commentary:

Parents and Grandparents should be happy with the results of this week's poll. They came in number one and two as the role models that have the greatest influence on others. Even though it seems like our kids don't listen, they DO WATCH and REMEMBER how we behave and conduct our lives. This doesn't mean that they will behave exactly like we do. But we do have a great influence on how they will conduct their lives. Especially after they grow up and mature into adulthood.

Number three in total votes was - A Celebrity or Role Model you never met in person. This can be good or bad, depending on who that stranger was. Thus it's important that kids don't idealize poor role models.

Last in total votes was - A Leader in Your Company. I guess company leaders are not influencing individuals as much as others these days. Is there a shortage of GREAT LEADERS who are GREAT ROLE MODELS?

If you want to stand out of the crowd and be recognized as a great leader, pay close attention to your behavior at all times. There's no margin for error when you are in a leadership position. People always remember the worse things you've done for years, and quickly forget the nice things you've done. Thus, you must keep your image UN-tarnished in your quest to be a GREAT ROLE MODEL.