The Qualities Of Leadership 13-Sense Of Humor

Poll number: 

Question-Week ending Sunday 11/30/03:

Please complete the sentence below, from our list of options, that best illustrates your opinion of what a Sense of Humor means in great leadership. "A leader with a good sense of humor_______." Please read our Poll Commentary before taking this poll.

Pre-Poll Commentary:

Having a sense of humor is not only a great quality for leaders. It's a quality we should all subscribe to more often. No one will argue that our world is full of serious business. Unfortunately we are bombarded with negative news day and night, which leads to feelings of stress and unhappiness. Some of the most prescribed drugs are for ulcers and depression. So what do you think? Could we use more humor in our lives? Can we cure some of our ailments by smiling and laughing more often?

As we discuss the qualities of great leaders, we must keep stressing the importance of the "B" word....Balance. Would leaders be more effective if they were professional comedians before becoming President of the company? Or does it suffice for great leaders to be happy, positive and witty enough to make others smile when they are in their company?

It's probably safe to say that no one really wants to work for a grouchy person. Yet, most people would probably lose respect for a leader who plays practical jokes on others and hits everyone with a new "one liner" with every contact.

Balance...Balance... Balance... Finding the right mix in developing a good sense of humor. Let us know what you think in this week's poll regarding a sense of humor in leadership. Complete this sentence with the options we give in the poll. "A leader with a good sense of humor_______."

This poll will end on Sunday 11/30/03, when the results will be displayed.

Our polls and commentaries are enjoyed by hundreds of individuals weekly, with previous polls featured in the top ten of search engines like Google and Yahoo.


  1. 31% of voters chose that leaders with a good sense of humor "should make us happy to follow them."
  2. 31% of voters chose that leaders with a good sense of humor "should be respectful and witty."
  3. 26% of voters chose that leaders with a good sense of humor "should be lighthearted and happy."
  4. 12% of voters chose that leaders with a good sense of humor "should make us all smile often."
  5. 00% of voters chose that leaders with a good sense of humor "should be as funny as a comedian."
  6. 00% of voters chose that leaders with a good sense of humor "should be always cracking jokes."

Post-Poll Commentary:

We started our 19 months ago back in April of 2002, and this was the first time we had a tie for our top choice. Our voters believe that leaders with a good sense of humor "should both make us happy to follow them," as well as "be respectful and witty." I couldn't agree more with both top choices.

We also learned from this poll that virtually no one believed that leaders with a sense of humor "should always be cracking jokes or "needs to be as funny as a comedian."

But as stated before, a sense of humor should not be a quality only for leaders. We all need to make a conscious effort to smile and laugh more in a world where it's just easier to complain and find the negative and disappointments in all that abounds us.