Positive Moods and Emotions 22-Kindness

Poll number: 

Question-Week ending Sunday 06/27/04:

When was the last time you performed a random act of kindness, as described in our commentary? Please read our Pre-Poll Commentary before taking this poll.

Pre-Poll Commentary:

Our 22nd keyword in our poll series on moods and emotions is KINDNESS. For the purpose of this poll we will describe the meaning of KINDNESS as "a random act of doing an unconditional good deed for another, as the opportunities so often present themselves to us"

In our poll this week, we will be describing the "random act of kindness." This is a good deed that's performed spontaneously to help another, without the prospect of receiving anything in return. This type of kindness comes directly from our heart. It's different from being kind to a customer, boss, or family member. The kindness we are describing in this poll is usually directed toward strangers. It could be a simple act of letting a person merge into your lane as traffic is backed up on a highway; or giving directions to person who is lost and trying to find their way. These are random and unexpected acts that make the world a more pleasant place to live in.

Each day we have many opportunities to make a small difference in someone's life. By being kind to others, we are planting seeds for a more satisfying and fulfilling life of our own. We are also setting examples to those that are around us at the time, so that our acts of kindness become contagious. For instance, your children, family members and associates all learn by the examples you set.

Just imagine how much better our world would be, if we all multiplied our random acts of kindness each day by a factor of two or three? Everyone would be a big winner!

But keep in mind, that your random act of kindness may not be appreciated by some. This will be disappointing, but should not deter you from future acts. By being kind towards others, you are being kind towards yourself. The emotional boost can be priceless.

Let us know in this week's poll, when you last performed a random act of kindness, as described in our commentary? This poll will end on Sunday 06/27/04, when the results will be displayed.

Please take a moment to share this poll with another caring person you know by clicking on the "e-mail a friend icon" below. Our polls and commentaries are enjoyed by hundreds of individuals weekly, with previous polls featured in the top ten of search engines like Google and Yahoo.


  1. 42% of voters chose "during the last 7 days" when asked.... "When was the last time you performed a random act of kindness, as described in our commentary?"
  2. 28% of voters chose "yesterday" when asked.... "When was the last time you performed a random act of kindness, as described in our commentary?"
  3. 15% of voters chose "8-14 days ago" when asked.... "When was the last time you performed a random act of kindness, as described in our commentary?"
  4. 11% of voters chose "today" when asked.... "When was the last time you performed a random act of kindness, as described in our commentary?"
  5. 04% of voters chose "during the last 30 days" when asked.... "When was the last time you performed a random act of kindness, as described in our commentary?"
  6. 0% of voters chose "rarely" when asked.... "When was the last time you performed a random act of kindness, as described in our commentary?"

Post-Poll Commentary:

Our poll results this week show that most of our participants are engaging themselves in performing random acts of kindness. Maybe not often enough. But that's why we bring issues like this to our consciousness. To improve!

Our goal for this particular poll is to bring to our consciousness the need for all of us to be both consistent and creative in displaying kindness to others. I just returned from a business convention in Manhattan. My usual opinion about driving through the streets of this wonderful city is not very pleasant. However, I actually experienced several drivers displaying some courtesy and kindness on these incredibly busy streets. I was actually more conscious on this day, of the kindness that surrounded me, even as I drove on the busy streets of Manhattan. It was a bright, sunny, pleasant day and there was kindness in the air. This is truly the way it's supposed to be.

If each one of us does our own small part to engage ourselves in random acts of kindness, each and every day - we will all be making our own small contribution to make our world a better place to reside in.