Word Test 569

Improve Your Vocabulary

There is nothing more important in life than being able to master the power of communication. A good vocabulary is a like driving a car with rocket fuel instead of leaded gasoline. Words can power your career into high gear and increase your understanding of others.

From 2002-2014 we posted our Word of the Day and subsequently our Weekend Word Tests for 650 Consecutive Weeks or 12 ½ years, to help our viewers improve and expand their vocabulary. If you are serious about improving your vocabulary, our Word Test Library will challenge you to learn words you may never have known existed.

For the Week ending 01/18/13

Directions: Choose the word that matches with the definition and appropriately fits into the blank space in the sentence.

to make less severe or painful; alleviate; extenuate

The immense bailouts enacted may _______ effects of the recession.

to make amends for; to atone; to pay the penalty

We often feel that suffering is necessary to _______ our sins.

not to be avoided, changed, or resisted; inevitable

The deteriorating economy seems to foreshadow an _______ depression.

enclosed within or as if within walls; closed off; confined, secluded

Loss of all her loved ones _______ Mallory's heart with an impregnable wall.

to abolish by authoritative action; annul; to treat as nonexistent

Situational ethics cannot _______ the authority of the law.

We would like to thank Dr. Andrew Jamieson, MD, of Vancouver, Washington for his articulate contribution of words he supplied for the many years he served as our "eHappyLife Word Specialist."