Positive Moods and Emotions 3-Ambition

Poll number: 

Question-Week ending Sunday 02/15/04:

Please choose a phrase from our list to describe the MOST AMBITIOUS person you know or know about. Please read our Pre-Poll Commentary before taking this poll.

Pre-Poll Commentary:

Our third keyword in our poll series on moods and emotions is AMBITION. The best definition of ambition I could find for the purpose of this poll is as follows: "An eager, and sometimes an inordinate desire for preferment, honor, superiority, power, or the attainment of something." That is about as thorough a meaning possible for any one word.

Ambition can be as good a characteristic as it can be bad. If applied with balance - ambition can be wonderful. If applied with blindness to others - it can be tragic.

Usually when we say someone is ambitious - we are speaking highly of that individual. They are usually individuals with a high energy level, focused and know what they want. They know how to overcome obstacles and will persevere when others will quit. That sounds good so far.

But how about the ambitious individual that achieves their major purpose in their career, at the expense of their spouse, family and friends. They end up a winner and a loser at the same time.

Being an ambitious individual can be wonderful if you can achieve your goals while practicing balance in life, as you enjoy the fruits of your labor with those you care about. Let us know what you think about THE MOST AMBITIOUS person you know as described above, by answering this week's poll question. This poll will end on Sunday 02/15/04, when the results will be displayed.

Our polls and commentaries are enjoyed by hundreds of individuals weekly, with previous polls featured in the top ten of search engines like Google and Yahoo.


  1. 41% of respondents described the most ambitious person they knew or knew about as being "Balanced, focused and committed to job and family"
  2. 19% of respondents described the most ambitious person they knew or knew about as being "Married to career and had no family"
  3. 14% of respondents described the most ambitious person they knew or knew about as having a "Great career but poor family life"
  4. 12% of respondents described the most ambitious person they knew or knew about as having a "Great career with multiple marriages"
  5. 10% of respondents described the most ambitious person they knew or knew about as laving "Lots of money, but were not happy"
  6. 03% of respondents described the most ambitious person they knew or knew about as "Always striving and never arriving"

Post-Poll Commentary:

In our Pre-Poll Commentary, I tried to describe ambition in both a positive and potentially negative light. I did so in order to stress the importance of maintaining balance.

The media, including TV, newspapers, magazines, radio, books and the Internet is saturated with the stories of ambitious people. Too often, these people make the headlines when their ambitions have taken them to places they never intended to be. They break laws, harm others or end up as entertainment fodder after achieving a high degree of success as a result of their ambitious nature.

With the above being said, it was very refreshing that 41% of our respondents described the most ambitious person they knew or knew about as being "Balanced, focused and committed to their job and family." I think that says a lot of positive things for ambitious people.

Being ambitious begins with believing in yourself. Achieving tiny goals often will help you to gain more confidence to attempt bigger and better things. Read, learn and study what ambitious people have accomplished. Let them inspire you to start on your own journey to live a more fulfilling and exciting life. Don't wait another minute. Begin today to increase your level of ambition!