The Qualities Of Leadership 5-Being Realistic

Poll number: 

Question-Week ending Sunday 10/05/03:

In your opinion, which Democratic Presidential Candidate in the headlines today, seems to be "LEAST REALISTIC" about their expectations and promises if elected? Please read our Poll Commentary before taking this poll.

Pre-Poll Commentary:

Political candidates are a great example to use when it comes to judging the realities of their expectations and promises. We are witnessing every day on TV, the Democratic Primary candidates making their case for why they should be elected. They are all critical of the current political administration regarding their faults and weaknesses. They are also bashing their fellow democratic opponents who are running in the primary.

So here is our poll question for the week. According to the Gallup Poll released on September 24th, 2003 the top five candidates in the Democratic Presidential Primary Race were:

  • Wesley Clark = 22%
  • Howard Dean = 13%
  • John Kerry = 11%
  • Dick Gephardt = 11%
  • Joe Lieberman = 10%

All other candidates scored less than 4% of the vote in the poll.

Regardless of your political party affiliation or views, please choose which candidate you believe is "LEAST REALISTIC" about their expectations and promises if elected? There's a great deal to learn here about leadership by studying our political process.

Once in office, typically half of all promises made during the race are swept under the rug and forgotten. Do candidates really believe what they are promising during their campaigns? Are they naive or are they stretching the truth just to get elected? Do their followers really believe what they are promising? Do we all live in a fantasy world when it comes to politics?

Being REALISTIC about one's expectation and promises is one of the qualities of GREAT LEADERS. Are there any GREAT LEADERS in politics?

Let us know what you think in this week's poll regarding being realistic. This poll will end on Sunday 10/05/03, when the results will be displayed.

Our polls and commentaries are enjoyed by hundreds of individuals weekly, with previous polls featured in the top ten of search engines like Google and Yahoo.


  1. 53% of voters chose Howard Dean as the candidate who seems LEAST REALISTIC about his expectations and promises if elected
  2. 18% of voters chose John Kerry as the candidate who seems LEAST REALISTIC about his expectations and promises if elected
  3. 16% of voters chose Dick Gephardt as the candidate who seems LEAST REALISTIC about his expectations and promises if elected
  4. 08% of voters chose Joe Lieberman as the candidate who seems LEAST REALISTIC about his expectations and promises if elected
  5. 05% of voters chose Wesley Clark as the candidate who seems LEAST REALISTIC about his expectations and promises if elected

Post-Poll Commentary:

From our poll this week, it appears that the respondents believe Howard Dean to be Least Realistic about his expectations and the promises he is suggesting, if elected president. It's quite unfortunate that our political leaders are not held to the same accountability as an entrepreneur might be, as the leader of a small business.

To thrive in a small business, the owner or leader must under-promise and over-deliver. In politics, the opposite seems to be the norm. In business, exceeding your customer expectations every day creates loyalty and sets the stage to attain new customers through referrals. In politics it doesn't seem as important to deliver ALL that you promise. In fact it seems to help if you over-promise, in order to appeal to a broader base of voters. You can obtain an office and keep getting elected as long as you scratch the right backs, raise the proper amount of campaign funds to advertise and attract voters, and avoid being involved in scandals.

Our goal in this poll is not to bash political leaders. Instead we are trying to define "BEING REALISTIC" and its importance as a leadership quality. There are many fine political leaders who do their best within the confines of the political system. With due respect to the flaws in our political system, we still have the ABSOLUTE best form of government in the world.

However when it comes to "Being Realistic" as a leader, employer, parent, spouse or in any responsible role - it's always better to BE REALISTIC and do more than others expect. In other words Always Try To Surprise On The Upside. By doing so, you will not only be effective, but happier as well.