Positive Moods and Emotions 17-Generosity

Poll number: 

Question-Week ending Sunday 05/23/04:

From your knowledge of the following individuals, who would you choose as the "MOST GENEROUS" on this list, based on our meaning of GENEROUS in our Pre-Poll Commentary? Please read our Pre-Poll Commentary before taking this poll.

Pre-Poll Commentary:

Our seventeenth keyword in our poll series on moods and emotions is GENEROSITY. For the purpose of this poll we will describe the meaning of GENEROSITY as "to be unselfish and willing to share your time, energy, skills, money or resources with others."

In defining generosity for this poll, we want to consider more than the act of giving. For instance who might be more noble and generous - an individual who has a 10 billion dollar fortune and gives 1/100th of their fortune or $100 million away; or a person who has $10,000 in assets and gives $5,000 away? Or, is it more generous to devote 8 years of your life "for free" to develop a cure for a killer disease that saves millions of people from dying; or live in poverty for most of your life to teach thousands of people who need help and are less fortunate? Of course these are all acts of generosity. However, our true purpose for discussing all of them in this poll, is to raise our awareness to the importance of practicing more generosity in own lives.

Our acts of generosity can occur in so many different ways. How we choose to be generous really doesn't matter. What matters most is that we make an effort to be as generous as possible by unselfishly sharing what we have or what we know with others. Sharing our time in acts of generosity is just as meaningful if not more so, than sharing our assets if they are limited. Volunteers in hospitals and for all non-profit organizations, play a major role in helping people in need. These volunteers are truly generous individuals. By helping others through kind and generous acts, they not only help the recipients, but they also help themselves.

Another precursor to generosity should be that the act always originates from your heart. Many people will donate a jalopy car or used furniture to get a tax deduction. An individual who donates "for this reason only," does not seem to be committing a true act of generosity. They are more interested in their own financial gain than the people who might benefit. I believe the act needs to originate from the heart.

Based on our definition of generosity above, let us know in this week's poll, who on our list you think has been MOST GENEROUS. This poll will end on Sunday 05/23/04, when the results will be displayed.

Please take a moment to share this poll with three other caring people you know by clicking on the "e-mail a friend icon" below. Our polls and commentaries are enjoyed by hundreds of individuals weekly, with previous polls featured in the top ten of search engines like Google and Yahoo.


  1. 33% of voters chose Mother Theresa as the "MOST GENEROUS" on our list, based on our meaning of GENEROUS in our Pre-Poll Commentary.
  2. 31% of voters chose Bill Gates as the "MOST GENEROUS" on our list, based on our meaning of GENEROUS in our Pre-Poll Commentary.
  3. 14% of voters chose Pope John Paul II as the "MOST GENEROUS" on our list, based on our meaning of GENEROUS in our Pre-Poll Commentary.
  4. 12% of voters chose Andrew Carnegie as the "MOST GENEROUS" on our list, based on our meaning of GENEROUS in our Pre-Poll Commentary.
  5. 06% of voters chose Helen Keller as the "MOST GENEROUS" on our list, based on our meaning of GENEROUS in our Pre-Poll Commentary.
  6. 04% of voters chose Jonas Salk as the "MOST GENEROUS" on our list, based on our meaning of GENEROUS in our Pre-Poll Commentary.

Post-Poll Commentary:

Our top two picks this week were Mother Theresa and Bill Gates. Both very deserving of their placement in the poll. Mother Theresa devoted her life to performing generous deeds while Bill Gates has funded so many worthy projects through his incredible grants of generosity. Two very different individuals - being generous in two very different ways.

For those that don't know much about Andrew Carnegie - he was once the richest person in the world during his time. He built a fortune during the early years of his life and gave it ALL away during the latter years. Like Bill Gates, Andrew Carnegie was responsible for incredible acts of generosity.

As for the current Pope John Paul II in Rome - who can doubt that this man has generously devoted his life to touch the lives of billions of people? Like Helen Keller and Jonas Salk - the Pope has helped the lives of so many people.

As we stated in our Pre-Poll commentary, there are many ways to be generous. Chose one or chose a variety - but live your life by sharing, giving and inspiring others through kind deeds and actions. Nothing can be more satisfying and fulfilling!