Personal Value In The Marketplace 4-Improving Your Market Value

Poll number: 

Question-Week ending Sunday 08/24/03:

If you knew you FOR SURE, that you could improve your Value In The Market Place substantially in the next 5 years, by taking some good advice, would you START ON A PLAN TODAY? Please read our Poll Commentary before taking this poll.

Pre-Poll Commentary:

Our final poll in this series is somewhat of a challenge to our voters. Just suppose you knew FOR SURE that if you started a plan TODAY for improving your market value - in five years you could definitely be earning two to three times what you do today. Would you give your plan a try?

Like all of our polls, we like to get the juices flowing of our participants. Believing in yourself, is the first step toward achieving anything in life. Then getting sound advice and mapping out a plan to achieve your goals brings you one step closer to a successful outcome.

If we go back to the Employer Survey at the Michigan State Website we wrote about in last week's poll, we'll find some basic skills that Employers are looking for in their new hires. Don't you think they want their existing employees to be highly competent in these same skills:

  • Sound communication skills
  • Computer aptitude
  • Leadership
  • Teamwork
  • Interpersonal abilities
  • Personal accountability

Of course, these skills are in addition to being educated and competent in your field. But the point is, employers want the BEST people they could find, to help their company achieve its goals. People who take pride in themselves, their work and their accomplishments. People that are constantly improving themselves and helping those around them improve. PEOPLE WHO REALLY MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN THE COMPANY!

If you want to earn more, you have to learn more. Simply showing up on time for work every day and doing your job is not enough to double or triple your market value. You need to sit down and think about the critical skills that your company needs and obtain those skills. Make up your mind to move into action today. Our country is blessed with the GREATEST RESOURCES in the world to help you improve your Market Value. Get serious about it, start a plan and GO FOR IT. Don't let another day go by.

Let us know what you think in this week's poll. This poll will end on Sunday 08/24/03, when the results will be displayed.

Our polls and commentaries are enjoyed by hundreds of individuals weekly, with previous polls featured in the top ten of search engines like Google and Yahoo.


  • 56% voted Absolutely YES-they would start on a plan today
  • 22% voted Perhaps - I think so
  • 20% voted I'm happily retired
  • 02% voted Maybe - If I find the time
  • 00% voted I'm Satisfied with my present Market Value

Post-Poll Commentary:

I believe the key words ABSOLUTELY SURE in the poll question this week lead to the results of 56% voting Absolutely Yes! Being absolutely sure about something, will give us the incentive to engage in an activity all the time. For instance, if someone said to you if you practiced playing basketball for 6 hours every day for the next five years, you will ABSOLUTELY get similar endorsement contracts awarded to basketball star LeBron James this year for nearly $100 million dollars! Being ABSOLUTELY SURE that this will happen, would you practice 6 hours a day for 5 years. Chances are excellent that at least 56% of people polled would vote - ABSOLUTELY YES!

Unfortunately, there's very little in our lives that we could be ABSOLUTELY SURE about. Nothing is a given! However, Mr. Lebron James, did not become a basketball superstar just because he is tall. There are many people who are tall and cannot make a dime playing basketball. You can bet he had the proper guidance to produce a well thought out plan to become a superstar. You can also bet that he dotted every "i" and crossed every "t" in that well thought out plan of his. That he practiced hard and long, had devoted coaches and never stopped trying to get better. He had no guarantees five years ago that he would earn contracts for $100 million in endorsements. But you could bet he had BIG DREAMS and the guts and perseverance to make those dreams come true.

We can't all be basketball superstars like LeBron James or actors like Tom Hanks. However, we all can get better at our own crafts each and every day. We can all improve our market value by identifying and then improving the critical skills in our profession. We can all dream, set goals and carry out our objectives and become extremely valuable in the marketplace.

Unfortunately, we can just as easily ignore the words in the above paragraph and never improve our market value throughout the rest of our lives. In fact, if we do nothing to improve year after year, it's almost definite that our market value will shrink.

As human beings, we have a choice. I hope you have been inspired by this poll series enough, to make the right choice for yourself. Watch for our next poll series on Leadership. Becoming a great leader is the fastest way to improving your Personal Value in the Marketplace. I wish you the BEST!